Hpim1548 E1431727571248

John Fraser

Moral Authority, Pre-Cog



1st Mate of the HMS Aquarius, John steered our tiny Fathoming skiff away from the rocks many times when the Hubris-laden Director ordered a speedy passage through bionic shark infested waters. The mastermind behind the AutoSalt, his gothic sensibility is a voice of reason to this day in the quarters of the captain. It was John who woke from a fever dream with the original AutoSalt code, insisting to the admiralty that it was possible to achieve, while they stared at him eating grapes and bacon.

John has 20 years of hydrometric field and data analysis experience, with an increasing shift in focus toward associated instrumentation. In particular, he has spent the last several years conducting trials and refining methods for automated salt dilution. John has a B.A.Sc. in Engineering Physics from U.B.C.

The rest of the crew


Gabe Sentlinger

Director / Accidentally Locked Himself in the Bathroom (ALHB)

Hpim1548 E1431727571248

John Fraser

Moral Authority, Pre-Cog

Adamvalair Colour

Adam Valair

GIS & Web App Guru / Hot Sauce Aficionado / Fallen and Can’t Get Up (FCGU)


Zach Anderson

Lead Instrumentation Engineer / Cyberpunk Padawan

Photo of Curtis Luu

Curtis Luu

Production Lead / chief Water Bailer Crew

Profile photo of Fenella Jacquet

Fenella Jacquet

Graphic Designer / Spin Doctor / Funk Master

Contact Us

We offer custom solutions to hydrometric and hydrological problems. We are keen to hear about particular solutions you might require. For more information, or a quote, please contact us using the form below.