
QQ Firmware and Salt Portal Version Log

QQ Firmware Changelog

Version 0.3.5 (Jul 2021)

  • Bugfix: A small bug would show CH1 erroneously when first starting an SDIQ, turning Counterclockwise wouldn’t change this from CH1D.
  • Bugfix: QQ would lock up after completeing a CFT calibration if CH1 was not reporting in.
  • Bugfix: The QQ would lock up after completing an SDIQ if the user did not start another SDIQ before an internal memory buffer filled up.
  • Feature: Added Detect SDIQ End. Essentially it looks at the dQ/dT and count’s how many times it toggles about zero AFTER the Pre-Post regression lock has snapped onto the falling edge of the breakthrough curve. Then it quacks 3 times! The dQ/dT changes from ‘:’ to ‘=’. This seems to work really well and gives the user at least 10 points once the ECT has reached background, whether the BG ECT is changing or not. Set the number of toggles in Meta Settings>Detect SDIQ End. Set to Zero to turn off, but why bother?
  • Feature: Added QComp. The new equation for QComp is working out better than QAvg for incomplete mixing.
  • Feature: You can now “Swap CH1-CH2 SN” in the Device menu. You might do this if one or the other is better to use at the DS site. You can also do this if you only have two probes and want to use the radio as the 3rd U/S probe to track a changing BGECT measurement.
  • Feature: Added “Stabilize ECT” as the first instruction on the CFT Calibration page.  User can now see the ECT stabilize before accepting the first point by pushing the dial.

Version 0.3.4 (Jan 2021)

-Fixed bug that caused the Pre-BGECT to shift right when the Measurement Buffer (currently 1200 points) was full.  This was only a problem if the user chose Adjust BG ECT after MB was full.
-Added more support for the 3rd D/S probe.
-Added QAvg and QAvg Uncertainty to the Q Summary Card.
-When three probes are active, and Use 3rd U/S Probe is turned off, then DQ uses all three Q estimates and QUnc0 becomes u0, QUnc1->u1, and QUnc2->u2
-Changed the DQ calculation from fabs(QCh0-QCh1)/QAvg to the Coefficient of Variation (CoV) of either two or three channel Qs*2.  These two values are the same when the number of Channels is 2.
-Replaced Circ BGECT calculation setting to Use 3rd U/S Probe.
-Updated QQ Summary line to include CH2
-Replaced SNR and Inst. Res with preBG_index and 3rd_US
-Injection button on CH1 or CH2 probe will now start and SDIQ from the Save CFT page OR move the Pre BGECT index.

Version 0.3.3-S (Dec 2020)

-Added ability to set the Pre-BGECT to the current index from the CH2 probe.
-Added ability to set interval on CH1 which are using XBee and micropython.
-Added additional step to CFT procedure to allow user to stabilize the ECT before injecting.

Version 0.3.1-S (July 2020)

-Added new display mode for Third U/S sensor: CH2D now will shift the CH0 and CH1 traces upwards in time to match the transit-time and delta ECT adjusted CH2 (3rd U/S) signal.  Adjusting the Pre-BGECT (which is the injection time for CH2 if “Use As 3rd U/S probe” is set to 1).  Alternately, see how the transposed CH2 trace falls against CH0 in CH0S mode or CH1 in CH1S mode.
-Fixed Uncertainty when using CH2 as Third U/S Probe.  Uncertainty was being overestimated when using this mode.
-Fixed bug when QQ locks up after CFT using only CH0 and CH1.

Version 0.2.9-S (June 2020)

-Added Setup>Meta Settings>Auto Adj. Pre-BGECT.  This feature measures the Standard Deviation of of the Pre-BG ECT.  When the current ECT exceeds 5σ, the QQ Quacks and sets the Pre-BG ECT to n values before the current.  The EC.T reading changes from “:” to “=”.  The default for n is 5 but can be changed in Setup>Meta Settings>Auto Adj. Pre-BGECT.  Set to Zero to turn off.

Version 0.2.7-S (April 2020)

-Added the following to the SDIQ Context menu (menu during a measurement)

  • Hold to Restart: Rather than accidentally allowing a restart by a single click
  • Hold to Cancel: Rather than accidentally allowing a cancel by a single click
  • 3rd U/S Probe: The QiQuac Highlander Edition has a 3rd Upstream Probe to monitor BGECT over the course of a measurement.  This probe can also be used as a 3rd D/S probe.  The user can chose this option to select if the 2 other D/S probes should use the 3rd U/S probe for BGECT.

-Added the ability to track the BGECT using a 3rd U/S Sensor.  Requires the user to determine the transit time by Adjusting Pre-BGECT to the start of the SDIQ Pulse and choosing the injection time on the 3rd US Probe trace
-Added designation of Ch0D (for Display Multiple Traces mode) or Ch0S for Display Solo Mode.
-If “Show BGECT” is set to 1 in Setup>Meta Settings, then a dotted line will show the estimated BGECT in Solo mode for each channel.  If there is no 3rd U/S sensor active (Ch2) OR the user has turned it off with the 3rd U/S Probe setting, then a regression line based on the Pre-BGECT points is shown.  If the 3rd U/S Probe is active and turned on, then the transposed (shifted in X and Y) Ch2 ECT data is also shown.
-If “BGECT Reg.Snap Tol%” is greater than 0 in Setup>Meta Settings, then the regression line based on the Pre-BGECT values will snap to the Post BG-ECT values when the QUnc for a given channel is less than the “BGECT Reg.Snap Tol%”.  The QiQuac will make a quick double quack and the display will change from “QUn0:” to “QUn0=” for each channel.  The QUnc should be significantly lower because the standard error about the regression line is used as the BGECT Uncertainty as opposed to the standard deviation from the Pre- and Post BGECT values, if “Use Regression Line” is set to 1.
-If “Use Regression Line” is set to 1 in Setup>Meta Settings, then the QUncertainty on each channel is based on the regression line between the Pre- (when QUnc is > BGET Reg.SnapTol%) and Pre- and Post-BGECT values (when QUnc is < BGET Reg.SnapTol%)
-T-HRECS now publish their ID as the first field.  This is so that the QiQuac can sort incoming radio messages into Ch1 or Ch2.  If only 1 Ch1 is used, or an older T-HRECS is used that does not publish its ID, then set Ch2 to “” under Setup>Device Settings.
-Station_list.csv now lists the Station Name, Station ID, Project Name, Project ID, Ch0_CFT, Ch1_CFT, and Ch2_CFT.  After completing a CFT calibration, the user is given the option to save the CFT to the SD Card.  The user can edit this file at any time.
-The user may now reset the QiQuac by Pushing and Holding the dial for >10s.

Version 0.1.10 (June 2019)

-Added the following to the SDIQ Context menu (menu during a measurement)

  • Adj Y-Axis: Allows user to adjust the Max and Min y-axis values by rotating the dial.  Fast by 10 uS/cm and slow for 1 uS/cm.  Hold (>1sec) to go back.  This can be handy to:
    • fix the axis if a low anomaly occurred.
    • zoom in on the background noise or to see if the ECT has reach BG, or is sloping.

Version 0.1.9 (May 2019)

-Added station_list.txt file to root directory.  This is a text file the QQ reads and offers as a list to the user before a measurement.  The station name is prepended to the csv files for easier identification later.  Edit and sort the station_list.txt in a text editor and then save to the QQ.  I also moved the .raw files to a /raw directory.
-Added the following to the SDIQ Context menu (menu during a measurement)

  • Enter Stage: This is saved to the SDIQ Summary file, but not used elsewhere currently.  Ideally there is a RC view associated with each Station downloaded and synced with Salt Portal
  • Restart SDIQ: This is useful if the button was pushed too soon (while the probe was in the QuickFlask for example) OR you want to do consecutive measurements without restarting.  This is handy when processing multiple measurements in the Salt Portal

Version 0.1.8 (Dec 2018)

-Added ability to change log interval of both T-HRECS using a single menu item (Setup>SDIQ Settings>Change Log Interval)


-Built in Grading of A, B, C with user definable thresholds.
-Summary file within the date directory, one line for each completed measurement.
-Adjust Pre-BG ECT during a measurement. This is important to reduce Uncertainty and improve the measurement in the field.
-Adjust Mass during a measurement.
-Added BG0 to page.  This is the Pre-BG ECT only.  Helps user decide if measurement is finished.
-Added “Push Button to Skip” SD Card info screen.

Salt Portal

(Dec 2020)

-3rd U/S sensor. We need to correct the U/S signal in 3 dimensions: i. EC.T for offset and calibration, ii. transit time for the salt wave to travel downstream, and iii. frequency to accommodate storage elements in the channel between the upstream and downstream sites.
-Added tracking of Serial Numbers (S/Ns) with SDIQ and CFT records.  We hope to start to do diagnostics based on S/N soon, such as average CFT, standard deviation of CFT, etc, but also the firmware and hardware version, recent maintenance and upgrades, and someday, online firmware updates.
-Added Grading & Grouping tool: This tool has been a long time coming.  It’s still not completely integrated with the SDCalc and RCS Tool, but will allow you to group SDIQs based on Start Time.  This is usually 2-3 SDIQs from a single injection and may include an Upstream signal.  Once grouped, it’s possible to export to a Kisters Wiski Biber xml file.
-Added Batch Import to import multiple AT or QQ files at once.  Default processing will be applied and the user can then edit and tweak individual SDIQs.
-Added Pictures to a site.
-Added CFT Tool to visualize the CFTs based on date:time or BGECT, and also coded by device.  The tool will allow you to sort the CFT table and select only those points associated with a particular device, or associated with a device and BGECT, or the most recent.

(Jun 2020)

-Added Rating Curve Tool

  • Turn points on and off, set as anomalous, or use.  This allows for the current Rating Curve to use only recent points, or points within a flow range to fit a Least Squares (LS) curve to.  Copy the LS values to the RCC.  Export CSV of RCCs to Aquarius Time Series
  • Click on any SDIQ to go to that measurement

-Added auto fill of mass from QQ file
-Added support for 3rd U/S Probe to monitor BG ECT during a measurement.  Currently will only recognize an U/S probe if “Ch2” is in its name, and has been previously uploaded.

(Jan 2019)

-Removed mass warning
-Added Uncertainty Summary below Discharge Summary
-Fixed table formatting
-Fixed problem with Elapsed Time wrapping if measurement exceeded 24 hours.
-Added “Average Timestep” to Diagnostics summary.

(Dec 2018)

-Added %Mass error field
-Added manual BGECT entry fields, copy Pre and Post BG EC.T
-Fixed Download CF.T file
-Fixed Copy LS Values so the fields in the RCC Editor now update.  Removed the LS Equation from the legend, which wasn’t updating, and put the LS equation in the top left of the RC plot
-Changed number of Zero time step count from 20 to number of non-zero > 40. So this means you must have greater than 40 entries in your QQ file.

(Oct-Nov 2018)

-Added Sloping BG ECT checkbox.  If checked, the Breakthrough Curve Uncertainty will be reduced.
-Updated Summary table with Mass on Station Detail Page.

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