Zach Anderson
Lead Instrumentation Engineer / Cyberpunk Padawan
Zach Anderson actually swam _towards_ the good ship Fathom when he could clearly see it listing badly, heading directly into a storm. But apparently the ship he was on wasn’t much fun, and clearly the Fathomlanders were having a raucous good time, especially during delivery deadlines when the captain could be seen singing and dancing alone in his quarters. Since Zach joined, morale has certainly improved, not to mention the quality of all Fathom products sent out from its decks on the little skiffs that make a hasty retreat for the mainland, in fear of being drawn down into the Gyre of Bright Ideas. We welcome Zach’s jaunty sea shanties and optimism, and it doesn’t hurt that Sergeant Bement imparted his wisdom into the young padawan shortly before Reed disappeared from the ship, along with one of our best lifeboats.
Zach is an Electrical Engineer in Training with a B.A.Sc. from UBC. Zach regularly volunteers his time on the downtown east side, not to mention for young engineers in mechatronics competitions. He’s a way better dude than the captain.